Details of Diversity and population structure along recovery of hydrothermal vent communities, Lucky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic ridge)


Dataset identification

Title of datasetDiversity and population structure along recovery of hydrothermal vent communities, Lucky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic ridge)
Narrative summary of datasetAbundances, density and size population structure of the dominant species (Bathymodiolus azoricus, Branchipolynoe seepensis, Amphisamytha lutzi, Lepetodrilus atlanticus, Pseudorimula midatlantica and Protolira valvatoides) along the recovery process within the different quadrats deployed on the active Montségur edifice, the peripheral area and the inactive structure on the Luky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic ridge). In total 29 faunal assemblages were collected, including 21 on the Montségur edifice (5 references, 8 pre-disturbance communities, 4 one year post-disturbance and 4 two years post-disturbance), 4 on the peripheral ares (2 pre-disturbance and 2 one year post-disturbance) and 4 on an inactive structure (2 pre-disturbance and 2 one year post-disturbance). Details on the sampling method and analyses are published in Marticorena et al. in prep. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Start date2022-01-01
End date2022-12-31

Responsible organisations

Organisation nameIfremer, Scientific Information Systems for the sea
Role of organisationDataset Holding Organisation
Organisation nameSEA scieNtific Open data Edition
Role of organisationPublisher
How to citeMarticorena Julien, Matabos Marjolaine, Sarrazin Jozee (2020). Diversity and population structure along recovery of hydrothermal vent communities, Lucky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic ridge). SEANOE.

Dataset availability

Original dataset download link
Dataset formatDelimited
Public accessNo limitations
License for useCC-BY 4.0


Latitude north boundary66.474645
Longitude east boundary12.191601
Latitude south boundary-2.027394
Longitude west boundary-98.636608
Sea areaAtlantic Ocean

Data types, collection and processing

Observation typeinapplicable
ParameterBiodiversity indices
Data quality processing informationRaw data,Processed data

Process information

Submitting organisationIfremer, Deep Sea Environment Department
Submission identifier (UUID)a53ad03f-3736-7363-3632-000000076246
Date of dataset creation2020-09-15
Date of dataset revision2022-02-21
Date of metadata creation2022-2-23
Date of metadata latest revision2022-05-17
Date of publishing2022-06-02
Processing data centreIfremer, Scientific Information Systems for the sea
Summary record-ID1024